Leaves of absence

Taking time away from work—whether for business, pleasure, health or family needs, or some other occasion—requires careful planning. Just as there are all different types of life situations, there are different leave options.

Parental leave

Parental leave includes maternity and partner leave.

Please share the news of your expanding family with your manager, and submit a request via the Support Centre so that they can support you through this time in your life. Ensure that you keep your manager updated on any doctor or court visits so that work can be allocated accordingly.

Ensure that your parental leave is recorded correctly in Workday before you go on leave. If changes are made while you are on leave, inform your manager and the ERC, and ensure that the changes are recorded correctly in Workday when you return to work.

Each parental leave has specific steps that must be followed to ensure that both Company and statutory elements are covered. Please refer to the relevant parental leave information below or to the Switzerland Family Leave Policy [PDF] or the Switzerland Family Leave At A Glance [PDF].

Maternity leave

Adobe provides up to 26 weeks of paid maternity leave, which will be paid at 100% of your base salary (or 100% of total target compensation for commissioned employees). Any employee who becomes pregnant is entitled to take maternity leave. Maternity leave starts on the day the employee gives birth.

Adoptive mothers must have been mandatorily insured in accordance with the Old Age and Survivors Act (AHV-Gesetz, AHVG) for the nine months prior to a child being placed in her care and must have worked for at least five months before the start of her leave. Adoptive mothers will be able to start Adobe maternity leave on the date the child is placed in her care.

There is no effect on your pay or benefits while on maternity leave, and this benefit is inclusive of any statutory pay you’re eligible to receive.

Requesting maternity leave

You must notify your manager and submit a request via the Support Centre of your intention to take maternity leave as soon as you are aware of these facts. In addition, the employee should provide the pregnancy certificate issued by the doctor.

Submit your request for statutory maternity leave and Adobe maternity leave in Workday (see instructions).

Partner leave

Adobe offers enhanced partner leave, and eligible employees with at least five months of employment can take up to 16 weeks’ leave following the birth or adoption of a child, paid at 100% of base salary (TTC for commissioned employees).

The Adobe partner leave is inclusive of the statutory paternity leave and must be used until the child turns 6 months old as follows:

  • 16 weeks in a single continuous block from the day of child’s birth (or any other day thereafter), or
  • 16 weeks can be split in three (3) blocks of a minimum one week each. The first block can start from the day of child’s birth (or any other day thereafter).

Review the Switzerland Partner Leave FAQ [PDF].

Submit your request for partner leave in Workday (see instructions).

Parental leave of absence FAQs

I am listed as on leave in Workday. How do I fix this?

To remove your On Leave status, follow these step-by-step instructions.

What happens to my benefits while I’m on family leave (maternity, partner, and unpaid parental leave)?

Your benefits may be affected during family leave. For more information, please refer to EMEA Rewards impact during a leave of absence [PDF] and the Global Unpaid Leave policy [PDF].

How are my commissions calculated, if I am a commissionable employee, during parental leave?

While on approved maternity leaves of greater than 30 consecutive days, you will be eligible for 100% of your TTC (total target compensation) to the extent provided for by the applicable Parental Leave policy [PDF]. For full details on sales commission, please refer to the sales compensation programme terms and conditions and the sales LOA FAQ at WWFO Sales Compensation and Territory Site.

How is my AIP calculated, if I am a non-sales employee, during parental leave?

For non-sales employees, AIP bonus is unaffected for 182 days under Adobe’s current practice. AIP bonus will be pro rata from 183 days onward. Please review the AIP policy for details. You must be on Inside Adobe to review the policy.

Unpaid personal leave

If you want to take time away from Adobe for personal reasons, you may request a personal leave. The time away must be discussed with and approved by your manager and Employee Experience.

If your request for personal leave is granted, you can take from one to three months of unpaid leave (up to six months, with manager approval).

You’re eligible for this leave if you’ve worked at Adobe for more than 12 months, you’re in good standing with the company, business conditions can accommodate your request, you have exhausted your accrued paid time-off balance, and there is no other time-off plan you can use.

Request your leave via Workday. For more information, review the policy [PDF] and FAQ [PDF].

Unpaid personal leave FAQs

What happens to my benefits while I’m on unpaid personal leave?

For unpaid leave that is less than 30 days, your benefits remain unchanged. If your unpaid leave extends beyond this time frame (including adjacent PTO days taken), all benefits will cease as of the first of the next month after the leave started and will resume upon your return.

How are my commissions calculated, if I am a commissionable employee, during unpaid personal leave?

While on unpaid personal leave, no commissions will be payable, save for any which may have accrued prior to your going on leave.

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