To minimise your financial worries, Adobe provides life, disability, and accident insurance through Zurich Eurolife S.A. Adobe automatically provides this cover to regular employees and Adobe-paid temps at no cost to them.
Life insurance
Life insurance is provided to you automatically for financial protection for your dependants in the event of your death. For details, please see the plan document that applies to you:
Eligible employees are automatically enrolled on the date of hire, provided they are actively at work. If you are not actively at work, cover will commence from the day you return to full-time active employment.
Cover is up to 2 times your Total Target Compensation (TTC) at the time of death.
Benefits will be paid to your beneficiaries in the following order:
- The surviving spouse with whom the employee was married at the time of death, or the surviving life partner under the Act on Registered Life Partnerships
- The partner living with the employee in domestic partnership, if he or she is named as a beneficiary in a separate declaration made on Adobe Benefits
- The marital children and children treated as equals to them by the law within the Income Tax Act (EStG). Children in a special custody and foster care relationship can also be named as beneficiaries as defined within the Income Tax Act.
You do not need to nominate beneficiaries but can register a civil union partner as your beneficiary on My Adobe Benefits:
- Select Benefits Selection > Life Insurance > Edit.
- Complete Life Partner Nomination Form Upload section.
- Click Add to cart > Checkout > Confirm selection.
- Congratulations message should pop up if you’ve successfully submitted your selections.
Cover is provided by Adobe at no cost to you; however, it is subject to deferred taxation.
If your cover under the policy is more than €1.000.000, Mercer will contact you to provide evidence of your health.
If your cover under the policy is more than €4.000.000, you will be required to undergo a medical examination, which, depending on the results, could restrict your cover. Failure to provide evidence of health will also result in a restriction of your benefits. Subscription to this benefit will not be reflected on your monthly payslips.
Life insurance FAQs
What happens if I leave Adobe?
What happens if I leave Adobe?
Your participation in the plan will cease upon the termination of your employment for any reason.
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Yes. The policy remains active during holiday and parental leave of up to 12 months.
In the event the life insurance is payable, where is the payment made?
In the event the life insurance is payable, where is the payment made?
Payment will be made to the Company. Adobe will then make the final payment to the dependants.
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
No. All eligible employees will be enrolled in the plan automatically from the date of hire.
Will the lump-sum benefit (up to 2 times TTC) be subject to income taxation when paid out?
Will the lump-sum benefit (up to 2 times TTC) be subject to income taxation when paid out?
Yes. The benefit will be subject to income tax based on the tax status of the recipient. It is the responsibility of the benefit recipient to comply with German tax legislation and to seek and/or pay for tax advice, if needed.
Will the lump-sum benefit of up to 2 times TTC include AIP?
Will the lump-sum benefit of up to 2 times TTC include AIP?
No. AIP is not included within the TTC that is used. For those who are paid commission, this is included within the TTC.
Are other heirs entitled to receive the insured sum from Zurich?
Are other heirs entitled to receive the insured sum from Zurich?
No. Please review the list of beneficiaries above under Beneficiaries.
Disability insurance
If you are ill or injured and unable to work, Adobe provides income replacement for medical disabilities, administered by Zurich Eurolife S.A., for financial protection for your dependants in the event of your death. For details, please see the plan document that applies to you:
All regular employees are eligible to participate and are automatically enrolled if they are actively at work in their normal occupation. If an employee is not actively at work, cover will commence from the day of returning to full-time active employment. Interns and Adobe-paid temporary employees are not eligible for this benefit.
Employees may be eligible to receive up to 40% of their gross monthly salary, if absent from work for more than three continuous months and unable to perform at least 50% of their normal job duties. Upon approval by the insurer, the benefit will be paid until the employee either returns to work, turns 67, or leaves Adobe, whichever occurs first.
Payments are made to the employee by Adobe and are treated as salary and are subject to the normal statutory deductions, such as income tax and statutory health and care deductions.
Adobe pays for the cost of providing disability insurance, and there is no cost to employees.
How to make a claim
If you are absent continuously for 60 days as a result of illness or injury, you may make a claim. To ensure that there is no delay in getting your request assessed and payable, follow the steps below:
- Complete the Disability Application Form [PDF]. The form is to be completed by you and your medical practitioner.
- If you need any assistance completing the form, please contact the Adobe Mercer team at Once completed, securely protect your files and email the form along with any supporting documents to the same address.
What happens next. The Mercer team will contact you to confirm receipt of your assessment form and to follow up with any questions about your claim.
Once the form is submitted to Zurich and there is no further information required, the claim should be resolved within 15 working days. If additional information is required, it may take a little longer to resolve.
If you have any questions regarding your claim, please contact
Disability insurance FAQs
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
No. There will be no confirmation of cover sent to employees. All eligible employees will be enrolled in the plan automatically from the date of hire.
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Yes. The policy remains active during holiday and parental leave of up to 12 months.
What happens if I leave Adobe?
What happens if I leave Adobe?
Your participation in the plan will cease upon the termination of your employment for any reason. All payments made available to you under this benefit shall automatically cease.
Accident insurance
If you have an accident, Adobe provides 24/7 worldwide protection through accident insurance, administered by Zurich Eurolife S.A.
All regular employees, Adobe-paid temporary employees and interns are eligible to participate and are automatically enrolled from the date of hire.
The benefit payable depends on the type of accident and degree of disability and will be paid out directly to the employee by the insurer. View the Accident Insurance Policy [PDF] for details.
Adobe pays for the cost of providing accident insurance, and there is no cost to employees. The benefit is not treated as a benefit in kind and is not subject to taxation.
How to make a claim
Contact, or call +44 (0) 203 435 7877 to file a claim.
Accident insurance FAQs
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
Do I get any confirmation of cover?
No. There will be no confirmation of cover sent to employees. All eligible employees will be enrolled automatically from the date of hire.
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Am I covered by this insurance while on holiday or parental leave?
Yes. The policy remains active during holiday and parental leave.
What happens if I leave Adobe?
What happens if I leave Adobe?
Your membership in the plan will cease on the day your employment is terminated.
Contacts and resources
Employee Resource Centre
Submit a request via the Support Centre.