
LifeDojo is a wellbeing app that allows you to design your own behaviour-change programme with the support of a personal health coach and interesting articles and videos at your fingertips. Choose from a variety of habits relating to fitness, healthy eating, reducing stress, or building resilience.

LifeDojo is accessible to Adobe employees and their +1s until June 30, 2024. See the LifeDojo FAQs [PDF] for more information.

How does LifeDojo work?

Central to the LifeDojo experience is an engaging app that you can use on your mobile phone or tablet. It’s also available through your laptop or desktop web browser.

You select one habit you want to focus on for a period of 12 weeks—which is about how long it takes to make a new habit stick—and then receive ongoing, personalised support and advice to help you take small steps, stay motivated, and create sustainable change. No matter what habit you choose, LifeDojo is an easy first step in a journey towards self-improvement.

Moreover, you have the option to choose a life coach who helps guide you to success. All coaches have specialised training in helping employees discover new habits with backgrounds that include masters-level trained psychologists and social workers, registered dieticians, personal trainers, and certified health coaches.

You select the coach you want to work with, and then either schedule a 15-minute session via phone or just chat with your coach through the app. You can also take advantage of group support by joining optional forums with other Adobe employees who are focused on the same habit. Watch a demo (SSO) to learn how to select a wellbeing goal and work towards it with your personal health coach using the LifeDojo app.

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Get started with LifeDojo

From your mobile device:

  1. Download the LifeDojo app; search for LifeDojo on the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app, tap Next to scroll through the introduction, and tap Log In when finished.
  3. Enter your email address, and tap Next to be taken to the Okta login screen.
  4. Enter your Adobe email and password, and tap Sign in.
  5. Enter your time zone and phone number (optional), and select Continue.
  6. Follow the prompts to choose your 12-week programme, and get started!

From your computer:

  1. Visit LifeDojo (SSO).
  2. Enter your email address, and select Next.
  3. Select Log in with Okta.
  4. Enter your Adobe email and password, and select Sign in.
  5. Enter your time zone and phone number (optional), and select Continue.
  6. Next, you will be prompted to download the LifeDojo app to your mobile device. See above for download instructions. To continue on your computer, select download later and continue.
  7. Follow the prompts to choose your 12-week programme, and get started!

Choose your habit. Choose your goal. Make your change.

If you have questions, contact

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LifeDojo +1

One of the best ways to increase the likelihood that you’ll stick to a health goal is to have the support of another person to keep you accountable and to share the experience. Whether you’re looking to start a daily walking habit, drink more water, or improve your sleep routine, LifeDojo has over 30 habit-change programmes to support your personal goals.

Plus, we know that you’re more likely to reach your goals if you have a buddy to keep you accountable. You may now invite one person in your family or household to join LifeDojo at no cost to you or your plus-one.

To add your plus-one:

  1. Log on to LifeDojo from your desktop browser or mobile app.
  2. From your home screen, select Invite a Plus-One.
  3. Enter your plus-one’s email address, and select Continue. Your plus-one will receive an invitation to join LifeDojo via email.
  4. Select Complete to return to your home screen.

To manage your plus-one:

  1. Log on to LifeDojo from your desktop browser or mobile app.
  2. Select the Profile Settings icon in the upper right corner of your home screen.
  3. Select Manage Plus-One User:
    • To Edit or Rescind your plus-one:
      • Select Edit Plus-One.
      • Select Rescind Invitation.
  4. Confirm this action by selecting Yes, Rescind Invitation. Your plus-one user will be notified via email.

Choose your habit. Choose your goal. Make your change.

Eligibility: LifeDojo is available to all regular, benefits-eligible employees and interns, plus one family or household member of their choosing.

If you have questions, contact Learn more about our programme by reading the LifeDojo FAQ [PDF], and watch this video (SSO) to see how to enrol your plus-one today.

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