Leaves of absence

Taking time away from work—whether for business, pleasure, health or family needs, or some other occasion—requires careful planning. Just as there are different types of life situations, there are different leave options.

Parental leave

Adobe offers enhanced leave and pay to eligible employees to supplement parent leaves provided under Spanish law. This enables you to take more time to bond with your child before returning to work.

Each parental leave programme has specific steps that must be followed to ensure that both Company and statutory elements are covered. For more information, review the Spain Family Leave Policy [PDF] and the Spain Family Leave at a Glance [PDF].

Things to keep in mind

  • Share the news of your expanding family with your manager, and submit a request to the Employee Resource Centre (ERC) so that they can support you through this time in your life. Keep your manager updated on any doctor or court visits for adoption proceedings so that work can be allocated accordingly.
  • Be sure to record your parental leave correctly in Workday before you go on leave, and inform your manager and the ERC of any changes while on leave.
  • When you return to work, you will need to request return from leave of absence in Workday once you are back to ensure that you are paid correctly (see instructions).

Birth and care of an infant leave

Under Spanish law, eligible employees can take up to 16 weeks paid leave for the birth and care of an infant. Adobe extends and enhances the statutory leave by providing 10 additional weeks, so eligible employees can take up to a total of 26 weeks of paid leave for the birth and care of an infant. Any accumulated leave for care of an infant (breastfeeding) shall be included in the additional 10 weeks provided by Adobe.

Requesting leave

Before your baby is born

Notify your manager, and submit a request to the ERC at least four weeks before your expected leave date. Include your probable delivery date and the start and end date of each type of parental leave requested.

Once you have planned the dates of your maternity leave with your doctor, submit your request in Workday (see instructions).

If you are on sick leave due to your pregnancy, follow the same process for requesting and recording sick time.

After your baby is born

Within 10 days of your baby’s birth, submit a request to the ERC with a copy of the hospital-issued birth certificate.

If you were on sick leave prior to giving birth, submit a request to the ERC with the maternity report (informe de maternidad) and the medical certificate (parte de alta) within seven days of birth.

Notifying the Spanish government

Contact social security to claim state-sponsored benefits; otherwise, your Adobe leave benefit may be affected. Visit Department of Employment and Social Protection for details.

Breastfeeding leave

Parents have the statutory right to one hour of paid time off during the working day in order to feed a child who is younger than 9 months. The leave time is increased in the case of multiple births.

You can choose to divide the time into two half-hour periods per day or start work half an hour later than usual or leave work half an hour earlier.

If you accumulate the breastfeeding leave and take it as 15 full business days, that time would be included in the additional 10 weeks’ leave for birth and care of an infant that Adobe provides.

Requesting breastfeeding leave

Once you have planned the dates of your leave, submit your request in Workday (see instructions) at least 15 days before the end of the statutory birth and care of an infant, partner, or adoption leave. The notification should include the schedule of the breastfeeding leave that you plan to take.

Partner leave

All eligible employees are entitled to 16 weeks of statutory partner leave.

The first six weeks must be taken starting on the date of the birth or adoption. The remaining 10 weeks can be taken in weekly periods within the first 12 months of birth or placement for adoption.

Partner leave is paid at 100% of your base salary (or 100% of TTC for commissioned employees).This pay is a top-up to any statutory pay you are eligible to receive from social security.

You must make the necessary claims for partner leave benefits through social security within the required time limits. Visit Department of Employment and Social Protection for details.

Submit your request for partner leave in Workday (see instructions).

Adoption leave

Take up to 16 weeks of paid leave if you adopt a child under 6 years of age or you become a parent to a child born by a surrogate mother. If your adopted child is disabled, the statutory adoption leave is extended by two weeks for a total of 18 weeks of leave.

The first six weeks of leave must be taken starting on the date of placement for adoption. The following 10 weeks can be taken as weekly periods within the first 12 months of placement for adoption. Adobe will top up statutory adoption leave payments you may be eligible to receive so that you will receive 100% of your salary for adoption leave.

Requesting adoption leave

Please notify your manager about your intention to take adoption leave, and submit a request as soon as you are aware of these facts. Note that you must also notify social security to claim statutory leave benefits.

Submit your request in Workday (see instructions).

Unpaid parental leave

You may apply for an unpaid parental leave of up to three years from birth or adoption of a child. Unpaid parental leave can be taken as a continuous period, or you can take it as a reduction to your working day when caring for a child up to the age of 12.

In the first year of leave, you have a right to return to the same job you held before, and the same or similar job in the following years.

Requesting unpaid parental leave

You must provide a period of 15 days’ notice to your manager and submit a request with the Employee Resource Centre (ERC) before and at the end of the leave. Employees are required to make the necessary claims for parental benefits through social security within the required time limits and to comply with the requirements by that department as a condition of claiming benefits.

Be sure to get your manager’s approval for leave, and then submit your request in Workday (see instructions).

Family leave of absence FAQs

I am listed as on leave in Workday. How do I fix this?

To remove your On Leave status, follow these step-by-step instructions.

What happens to my benefits while I’m on family leave (maternity, partner, and unpaid parental leave)?

Your benefits may be affected during family leave. For more information, please refer to EMEA Rewards impact during a leave of absence [PDF] and the Global Unpaid Leave policy [PDF].

If I am a commissionable employee, how are my commissions calculated during maternity leave?

While on approved maternity leaves of greater than 30 consecutive days, you will be eligible for 100% of your TTC (total target compensation) to the extent provided by the Spain Family Leave Policy [PDF]. For full details on sales commission, please refer to the sales compensation programme terms and conditions and the sales LOA FAQ at WWFO Sales Compensation and Territory site.

How is my AIP calculated, if I am a non-sales employee, during parental leave?

For non-sales employees, AIP bonus is unaffected for 182 days under Adobe’s current practice. AIP bonus will be pro rata from 183 days onward. Please review the AIP policy for details. You must be on Inside Adobe to review the policy.

Unpaid Personal Leave

If you want to take time away from Adobe for personal reasons, you may request a personal leave of one to six months. Discuss with your manager, and obtain approval from them and Employee Experience. 

You’re eligible if you’ve worked at Adobe for more than 12 months, you’re in good standing with the company, business conditions can accommodate your request, you have exhausted your accrued paid time-off balance, and there is no other time-off plan you can use. 

Personal leave is unpaid. Adobe benefits, including AIP bonus targets, may also be affected.

Request your leave via Workday. For more information, review the policy [PDF].

Unpaid personal leave FAQs

What happens to my benefits while I’m on unpaid personal leave?

For unpaid leave that is less than 30 days, your benefits remain unchanged. If your unpaid leave extends beyond this time frame (including adjacent PTO days taken), all benefits will cease as of the first of the next month after the leave started and will resume upon your return.

How are my commissions calculated, if I am a commissionable employee, during unpaid personal leave?

While on unpaid personal leave, no commissions will be payable, save for any which may have accrued prior to your going on leave.

Contacts and resources