Leaves of absence

Taking time away from work—whether for business, pleasure, health or family needs, or some other occasion—requires careful planning. Just as there are all different types of life situations, there are different leave options.

Family leave

Family leave includes maternity, partner, adoption, and unpaid parental leave.

Here are the steps you should take to prepare for a family leave:

  • Please share the news of your expanding family with your manager, and submit a request to the Employee Resource Centre (ERC), so that they can support you through this time in your life. Keep your manager updated on your doctor or court visits, so that work can be allocated accordingly.
  • Each family leave has specific steps that must be followed to ensure that both Company and statutory elements are covered. For more information, review the France Family Leave Policy [PDF] and France Family Leave at a glance chart [PDF].
  • Plan the dates of your leave, and estimate your return by using the online calculator.
  • Ensure that your leave is recorded correctly in Workday before you go on leave. If changes are made while you are on leave, inform your manager and the ERC, and ensure that the changes are recorded correctly in Workday when you return to work.
  • If you are incorrectly listed as on leave in Workday, follow these step-by-step instructions to correct your status.

Maternity leave

Employees with over one year of seniority receive enhanced entitlement: 26 weeks, including the statutory maternity leave that the employee is eligible for. Adobe pays the full base salary (TTC for commissioned employees) during the maternity leave after one year of service. There is no maternity leave payment made by the Company during the first year of employment. There is no impact to your pay or benefits while on maternity leave.

Eligible employees may take:

  • First and second child: 6 weeks before childbirth and 10 weeks after
  • Third child or more: 8 weeks before and 18 weeks after
  • Twins: 12 weeks before and 22 weeks after
  • Triplets or more: 24 weeks before and 22 weeks after

Adobe offers enhanced leave, so that employees having their first or second child and who have more than one year of service will be eligible to take up to 26 weeks of maternity leave in total (including statutory entitlement), which must be taken as a single continuous period of leave. For those with less than one year of service, the statutory position will apply.

Requesting maternity leave

In order for Adobe to comply with maternity protection regulations, an expectant mother should notify their manager and the Employee Resource Centre of the pregnancy and the probable date of delivery as soon as they are aware of these facts. In order to calculate your maternity leave dates, you can use an online calculator.

Submit your request for maternity leave in Workday (see instructions).

Partner leave

Adobe offers enhanced partner leave, and eligible employees with more than one year of employment can take up to 16 weeks of leave following the birth of a child, paid at 100% of base salary (TTC for commissioned employees).

Adobe partner leave includes the statutory birth leave and paternity leave (where an employee is eligible to take this leave) and must be used, until the child turns six months old, as follows:

  • 16 weeks in a single continuous block from the day of the child’s birth or the first working day thereafter; or
  • Two weeks from the day of the child’s birth or the first working day thereafter. The remaining 14 weeks can be split into two blocks of a minimum of one week each.

Review the France Family Leave Policy [PDF].

Submit your request for partner leave in Workday (see instructions).

Adoption leave

Adobe offers eligible employees, who have at least one year of service, up to 26 weeks of adoption leave. Adobe enhanced adoption leave extends the employee’s statutory leave under French law and must be taken within 26 weeks of the adoption of the child. After that, any untaken leave will be forfeited.

Adoption leave pay is 100% of base salary for the duration of leave, inclusive of any state benefits the employee is eligible to receive. The employee’s eligibility for any additional adoption leave pay is conditional on this being completed successfully, as outlined in the France Family Leave Policy [PDF].

Submit your request for adoption leave in Workday (see instructions).

Unpaid parental leave

After one year of service, parents have a right to parental leave. Parental leave may be available from the birth of the child up to the child’s third birthday. Parental leave may also be taken for the adoption of a child under the age of 16 years.

Parental leave can only be taken initially for a maximum one-year period. It may then be extended twice, up to a maximum of three years, as long as the leave does not go beyond the date of the child’s third birthday.

Requesting unpaid parental leave

To apply for full-time parental leave, please send a wet-signed letter to the ERC with delivery receipt (lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception), stating your desire to go on parental leave, the start date, and your date of return to work. This letter must be received at least two months before the start of the leave or one month before, if the leave directly follows a maternity leave.

Submit your request for full-time and unpaid parental leave in Workday (see instructions). Your manager will receive a notification that you have entered parental leave in Workday but will not be requested to approve, so be sure to get their approval prior to entering in Workday.

Unpaid personal leave

Unpaid personal leave is provided to all Adobe employees in alignment with local laws. If you want to take time away from Adobe for personal reasons, you may request a personal leave. The time away must be discussed with and approved by your manager and Employee Experience. If your request for personal leave is granted, you can take from one to three months of unpaid leave (up to six months with manager approval).

You’re eligible for this leave if you’ve worked at Adobe for more than 12 months, you’re in good standing with the Company, business conditions can accommodate your request, you have exhausted your accrued paid time off balance, and there is no other time-off plan you can use.

Request your leave via Workday. For more information, review the policy [PDF] and FAQ [PDF].

Unpaid personal leave FAQs

What happens to my benefits while I’m on unpaid personal leave?

For unpaid leave that is less than 30 days, your benefits remain unchanged. If your unpaid leave extends beyond this time frame (including adjacent PTO days taken), all benefits will cease as of the first of the next month after the leave started and will resume upon your return.

How are my commissions calculated, if I am a commissionable employee, during unpaid personal leave?

While on unpaid personal leave, no commissions will be payable, save for any which may have accrued prior to your going on leave.

Sabbatical leave

Adobe offers eligible employees the opportunity to apply for a sabbatical leave lasting from six to 11 months. You must apply for this leave at least three months prior to the date you wish for the leave to begin. Company approval is required for a sabbatical leave to be granted.

To be eligible to apply for this leave, you must have at least 36 months of seniority and you must have completed at least six years of work professionally.

During the sabbatical leave, the employee's employment contract is suspended, and sabbatical leave is unpaid. However, it may be paid in the case of conventional provisions, collective bargaining agreements, or other labour law agreements.

For more information regarding sabbatical leave, please submit a request to the Employee Resource Centre.

Contacts and resources