Adoption assistance

Adopting a child is an exciting and happy time. To help offset the cost of adoption, Adobe will reimburse you for eligible expenses up to US$25,000 per child, up to a lifetime maximum of two children. Eligible expenses include:

  • Adoption fees
  • Court costs and lawyer’s fees
  • Travel expenses
  • Adoptions associated with surrogacy (in countries or states where adoption of the surrogate baby is required)

The benefit is considered taxable income for employees unless exempted under local tax rules. Rules regarding the taxation of adoption assistance benefits are complex, so we strongly recommend that you review your tax withholdings and consult with your personal tax adviser for assistance when filing your tax return.

Once your adoption is legally finalised, please submit a request to the Support Centre with your documents and receipts.

After your application is approved, please log in to Concur, and follow these instructions for reimbursement:

  1. Click Create New Claim.
  2. Change the Cost Centre number to the Fringe Benefits Cost Centre (see Appendix) in the Create a New Expense Report page.
  3. Select Expense Type Global Adoption Assistance from the drop-down.
  4. Complete the required fields.
  5. Upload your scanned receipts or required documentation.
  6. Click Save, and then click Submit Report.

Reimbursements will be issued through Payroll after you submit all receipts and your claim is approved. Depending on your claim submission date, you’ll receive your reimbursement in accordance with normal pay periods and timelines for your respective country.

View the Global Adoption Assistance Program Overview [PDF] and the Adoption Assistance Program FAQ [PDF].