Special reasons leave

Adobe offers additional paid time off for the following life events. Be sure to get your manager’s approval for the leave prior to entering your request in Workday.

Marriage leave

Five paid days immediately before or after your own wedding or the wedding of your child. Adobe does not require a marriage certificate but reserves the right to solicit back documentation for audit purposes if needed. Submit your request for marriage leave in Workday (see instructions).

Study exam leave

Five paid days per calendar year to prepare for exams for any course approved under the Learning Fund programme or other job-related course, with manager approval. Submit your request for study leave in Workday (see instructions).

Paid day in lieu

You can take a paid day in lieu of travelling for business on a non-working day or weekend. You must take the day in lieu within one month of your business trip. Talk to your manager prior to your business trip about taking the paid day in lieu to ensure that they approve the trip, including the non-working day and the paid day in lieu.

Jury service

Adobe will pay your full base salary during jury service leave, provided it doesn’t go on for more than two weeks. If jury service leave extends for more than two weeks, Adobe may need to review the situation and your pay.

  • Ensure that your manager is aware that you have been called for jury service and knows the date your service will start. Keep them updated on your expected return-to-work date.
  • Email a copy of the certificate of attendance to your manager and the Employee Resource Centre. It is your responsibility to enter the dates of jury service into Workday (see instructions).
  • Employees and managers should discuss and agree on any requests for special leave, trying to be as flexible as possible, while continuing to meet business needs.

Force majeure

Adobe provides force majeure time off per statutory requirements. You are entitled to take up to three days force majeure leave in any 12-month period or five days in a 36-month period.

Special reasons leave FAQs

What happens to my benefits while I’m on special reasons leave?

All benefits remain unchanged while you are on special reasons leave (i.e., marriage, study).

How are my base salary and commissions calculated, if I am a commissionable employee, during paid special reasons leave?

For special leaves, all employees receive 100% of base salary, and commissions are calculated as per the individual’s sales compensation programme and based on bookings that occur during the leave duration. For full details on sales commissions, please refer to the sales compensation programme terms and conditions and the sales LOA FAQ at WWFO Sales Compensation and Territory Site.

Contacts and resources