

In Singapore, Adobe provides retirement benefits in two ways:

  • Central Provident Fund (CPF): only for Singapore citizens and permanent residents
  • Supplemental retirement plan: For employees who are not Singapore citizens or permanent residents

Central Provident Fund

How much Adobe contributes depends on your age and how much you earn. Review the CPF Contribution Rates table [PDF] to see how much is required to be paid by Adobe and you. Your contribution is taken from your pay cheque automatically.

Please visit the CPF Provident Fund website to learn more about this contribution and payout eligibility.

Supplemental retirement plan

Employees who are not Singapore citizens or permanent residents are not eligible to participate in the CPF. For these employees, Adobe contributes to the supplemental retirement plan.

Adobe’s contribution follows the CPF Provident Fund guidelines of the Singapore permanent resident first-year schedule. Review the CPF Contribution Rates Table [PDF].

No contribution is required from you.

The retirement balance will be paid out only in the following circumstances:

  • You leave Adobe
  • You leave Singapore permanently
  • You pass away, in which case the balance will be paid to your estate
  • You suffer from total permanent disability
  • You retire

The retirement balance will be taxed at the time of payment.

Please review the Singapore Supplemental Retirement Plan FAQs [PDF] for more details.

Are your beneficiaries up to date?

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Contacts and resources

My Adobe Benefits Support