Critical illness

Supplement your medical and disability coverage with a lump-sum payment if you experience a condition like:

  • Cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Major organ, heart or bone marrow transplant

This is available to all Adobe employees ages 18–64.

Coverage amount

You can purchase coverage for you or your spouse in C$10,000 increments, up to C$250,000.

Coverage is subject to evidence of insurability, which means you may need to provide medical information to the insurance company before you’re approved for coverage.

What does it cost?

Your cost depends on your age, gender, tobacco status and selected coverage amount. You can view costs on My Adobe Benefits.

When does coverage end?

Coverage ends when you reach age 65. Coverage ends for your spouse whenever you or he or she reaches age 65—whichever comes first.