When you need to hit the road on company business, you’re supported by a variety of Adobe business travel programs. Adobe also provides emergency medical coverage to global business travellers and a health plan to eligible employees on a long-term international assignment outside their home country.
If you are sick or injured when travelling for work
Call Adobe’s Global Safety & Security Operations Centre (GSOC) for help finding care. The number is on the back of your employee ID badge: +1 408-536-4444.
If you need urgent medical care—domestic business travel
If you need urgent or emergency medical care while travelling on business in your home country, you’ll use your regular medical plan and pay any costs you normally would at home.
If you need urgent medical care—international business travel
Aetna WorldTraveler provides urgent and emergency medical care for Adobe business travellers while on approved business travel outside their home country for fewer than 180 days. It also covers up to seven days of leisure travel that’s related to a business trip.
If you need urgent medical care, call Adobe’s Global Safety & Security Operations Centre (GSOC) at the numbers on the back of your employee ID badge: 800-866-8006 extension 44444 (U.S. and Canada), +91 120-444-4710 (India) or +1 408-536-4444 (international). The GSOC will facilitate finding care and coordinating payment with the provider.
Aetna WorldTraveler [PDF] plan features include:
- No deductible
- 100% of hospital services, up to plan maximum
- 100% of physician services, up to plan maximum
- 100% of outpatient prescriptions, up to plan maximum
Non-emergency and routine care are not covered by this policy. You should access those types of services only in your home country through your home country medical coverage. Any follow up care after urgent care also may be covered by your domestic medical plan.
Before your trip
- Print your Aetna WorldTraveler Medical ID Card [PDF] to take with you in case of a medical emergency.
- For more details, review the Aetna WorldTraveler Medical Plan Booklet and the Global Business Traveller FAQ [PDF].
If you need other travel-related help
Along with medical assistance, Adobe’s Global Safety & Security Operations Centre (GSOC) offers 24/7 support to help you deal with a wide array of security and logistical matters. If you need a medical referral, lose your medication, seek travel advice, experience a security crisis, lose your passport, and more, International SOS travel assistance can provide the care and expertise you need, whenever and wherever you need it. Just call the number on the back of your employee ID badge: 800-866-8006 extension 44444 (U.S. and Canada), +91 120-444-4710 (India) or +1 408-536-4444 (international) when you need help.
Before your trip
- Learn more on GSOC’s Inside Adobe Travel Safety and Emergency Assistance page.
- Download the International SOS app via the app store on your mobile device. Log in with Adobe’s membership number 11BCPA000245.
If your baggage is delayed or lost
It’s every traveller’s nightmare: You reach your destination, but your baggage doesn’t. The delayed and lost baggage benefits can offer some peace of mind while you’re traveling on business.
The baggage delay benefit reimburses you up to US$1,000 if you need to purchase essential clothing and toiletries at your scheduled destination because your checked baggage is delayed or misdirected for more than six hours.
The lost baggage benefit reimburses you up to US$2,000 if you need to purchase clothes and personal hygiene items because your checked luggage has been lost, stolen or damaged beyond your use.
To receive reimbursement, you’ll need to submit a completed claim form [PDF] for any eligible expense. The plan requires that you file a claim with the airline/transportation provider, so be sure to keep all documentation from that claim process and any relevant receipts.
For more information, call Chubb at 800-336-0627 (inside U.S.) or +1 302-476-6194 (outside U.S.) or email them.
Business travel accident coverage
You're automatically covered for business travel accident benefits when you travel on business for Adobe (at the authorization, direction and expense of Adobe). This benefit is provided at no cost to you. This plan provides coverage equal to three times your annual salary, up to US$1,000,000.
Before your trip
- Learn more about the coverage details by reviewing the BTA Summary Plan Description [PDF].
Long-term international assignments
Adobe offers you an international medical, dental and vision plan for you and your dependants. If you become eligible for the Aetna International Medical Plan, you will receive an email from the Adobe Benefits Support Team with information on how to enrol.
To be eligible:
- You must be a regular, full-time employee.
- You must be on an international assignment coordinated by Global Mobility for over six months. Aetna International administers the plan. Review the Benefits Summary [PDF] for an at-a-glance view of coverage.
Before your trip
- Learn more about enrolment and coverage details by reviewing the member welcome guide [PDF] and plan document [PDF].
Contacts and resources
Adobe Global Safety & Security Operations Center (GSOC)
U.S. and Canada: +1 800-866-8006 extension 44444
International: +1 408-536-4444
Alternate: +1 408-881-1513
India: +91 120-444-4710