
When you’re eligible for benefits, you can enrol in and enjoy Adobe’s many programs.

Eligible employees

All full-time permanent employees are eligible for benefits. Adobe paid temps are also eligible for some benefits.

Eligible dependants

You can enrol your eligible dependants in your medical, dental and vision coverage. Eligible dependants include:

  • Your spouse or domestic partner*
  • Your unmarried and unemployed child who is at least 2 weeks old up to age 25

There are other plans—such as Stanford Health Navigation and health coaching—that dependants can also enjoy.

*Domestic partner shall mean each of two people of the same or opposite sex, one of whom is an employee of Adobe, who represent themselves publicly as each other’s domestic partner and have: Registered as domestic partners or members of a civil union with a government agency or office where such registration is available; or submitted a domestic partner declaration.

Contacts and resources

My Adobe Benefits Support