Additional Leaves

Some provinces offer province-specific leaves and have their own policies.

Request your leave via Workday and provide the appropriate documentation.

At the end of your leave, submit a return to work request via Workday.

Keep your manager informed about your leave needs, including your first day out on leave and when you think you’ll return to work.


Please visit the Alberta’s Employment Standards Code for the most up-to-date information.

British Columbia

Please visit the British Columbia Ministry of Labour for the most up-to-date information.


Emergency leave provides up to 10 days off each year so you can care for an injury or tend to urgent family member issues. The time is unpaid, but your job will be waiting for you when you return. Let your manager know as soon as possible when you need to take leave. Request your leave via Workday and provide the appropriate documentation.

Family Medical leave provides up to 8 weeks off (unpaid) to provide care and support to a family member who is seriously ill with a significant risk of death within 6 months. Your job is protected while you’re away.

A family member is your:

  • Spouse
  • Parent, step-parent or foster parent
  • Child, step-child or foster child

Care and support includes:

  • Psychological or emotional support
  • Arranging for care by a third party provider
  • Directly providing or participating in the care of the family member

Speak with your manager if you need to use this leave, and request your leave via Workday and provide the appropriate documentation.


Injury or death due to criminal offense leave provides up to 104 weeks off (unpaid) if you or your minor child suffer serious bodily harm from the result of a crime, and you’re unable to work. This is available to employees who have been with Adobe at least 3 months. Speak with your manager if you need to use this leave.

Suicide or disappearance leave provides up to 52 weeks off (unpaid) if your spouse or child commits suicide or if your minor child goes missing. If your child is found within the 52-week period, then the leave will end 11 days after they’re found. Speak with your manager if you need to use this leave.

Obligations leave provides up to 10 days off (unpaid) if you need to take time related to the custody, health or education of a family member. Speak with your manager if you need to use this leave.

Presence required leave provides up to 12 weeks off (unpaid) if you need to provide care or support to a family member who is ill or had a serious accident. Speak with your manager if you need to use this leave.

Request all leaves via Workday and provide the appropriate documentation.

Contacts and resources