Pregnancy and parental leave

Pregnancy leave

Adobe pregnancy leave benefits are intended to provide employees who give birth paid time off to prepare for and recover from childbirth. Adobe offers paid pregnancy leave benefits to all eligible employees in conjunction with provincial leaves. Refer to the information below to learn about the additional provincial leave that may be available to you.

Eligible employees can take up to 10 weeks of pregnancy leave benefits at 100% of pay if:

  • the employee is collecting Employment Insurance (EI) or QPIP pregnancy benefits, or undergoing a waiting period for those benefits.
  • the employee is eligible for, and taking, statutory pregnancy leave during the period for which pregnancy leave benefits are paid.

If you are eligible to receive Adobe pregnancy leave benefits, you are also eligible to receive Adobe parental leave benefits, described below.

Before taking leave

You will need to notify your manager and submit your Adobe pregnancy leave request through Workday (Workday>Time Off and Leave>Request Leave of Absence) at least 4 weeks prior to starting your leave. In the event that an emergency precludes you from providing this notice, please submit a request via the Support Centre immediately.

Please note, you will need to apply for governmental benefits before Adobe “top up” payments will start. At the end of your leave, you must submit a return to work request via Workday.

Keep your manager informed about your leave needs, including your first day out on leave and when you think you’ll return to work.

Note that El and provincial benefits are subject to government guidelines. Visit Service Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada for information about El entitlements or the QPIP website for QPIP entitlements.

Parental leave

Adobe offers up to 16 weeks of 100% paid parental leave to employees to bond with their child within one year following that child’s birth or adoption. Parental leave benefits are offered to eligible employees in conjunction with provincial leaves. Refer to the information below to learn about the additional provincial leave that may be available to you.

Before taking leave

You will need to notify your manager and submit your parental leave request through Workday (Workday>Time Off and Leave>Request Leave of Absence) at least 2 weeks prior to starting your leave. In the event that an emergency precludes you from providing this notice, please submit a request via the Support Centre immediately.

At the end of your leave, you must submit a return to work request via Workday.

Keep your manager informed about your leave needs, including your first day out on leave and when you think you’ll return to work.

Select your province to learn more about provincial leaves available.


If you are the birth mother, you may take up to 78 weeks of leave—17 weeks of pregnancy leave and 61 weeks of parental leave.

During the 17 weeks of pregnancy leave, you may be eligible to receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, and Adobe offers “top up” pay for 10 weeks.

Birth mothers, dads and adoptive parents can take up to 61 or 63 weeks of parental leave,—time off from work within one year of when your child is born or is placed in your home. Adobe will “top up” to get you to 100% of pay for up to 16 weeks. Then, you may be eligible for EI benefits for the remainder of your parental leave.

To receive pay while you’re out, apply for employment insurance benefits.
Please visit the Government of Ontario website for the most up-to-date information.


There are three different types of leave in Quebec that provide with time and pay options: maternity, paternity and parental. Regardless of the options you select, Adobe will “top up” for up to 26 weeks or up to 16 weeks depending on leave designation. Review the Quebec provincial insurance plan (QPIP) information to learn about your options:

  • Maternity leave is exclusively for female employees who give birth
  • Paternity leave is exclusively for male employees who are biological fathers
  • Parental leave is for both biological and adoptive parents. If both parents work for Adobe, they can share the time away as they see fit

Maternity and paternity leave

Through the Quebec provincial insurance plan (QPIP), you can choose between the basic plan (more time away at a lower percentage of pay) and the special plan (less time away, but at a higher percentage of pay). Only salaried employees who will experience at least a 40% reduction in their income and make at least C$2,000 in the qualifying period (the 52 weeks preceding the benefit period) are eligible for leave.

  • Maternity basic: 18 weeks at 70% of your normal pay
  • Maternity special: 15 weeks at 75% of your normal pay
  • Paternity basic: 5 weeks at 70% of your normal pay
  • Paternity special: 3 weeks at 75% of your normal pay

Parental leave

Quebec provincial insurance plan (QPIP) also offers parental and adoption benefits to give you more time off. These benefits also are available as a basic or special plan, and can be taken by one parent or shared by both.

  • Parental basic: 7 weeks at 70% of your normal pay, followed by 25 weeks at 55% of your normal pay
  • Parental special: 25 weeks at 75% of your normal pay
  • Adoption basic: 13 weeks at 70% of your normal pay, followed by 25 weeks at 55% of your normal pay
  • Adoption special: up to 28 weeks at 75% of your normal pay

Under the basic plan, mothers can take a total of 50 weeks—18 weeks of maternity benefits, plus 32 weeks of parental benefits (if she is the only one using them).

Under the special plan, mothers can take a total of 40 weeks—15 weeks of maternity benefits, plus 25 weeks of parental benefits (if she is the only one using them).

Speak with your manager at least 4 weeks before you go on leave, and notify him or her at least 4 weeks before you intend to return to work.

British Columbia

If you are the birth mother you may take up to 79 weeks of leave—17 weeks of pregnancy leave and 62 weeks of parental leave.

During the 17 weeks of pregnancy leave, you may be eligible to receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and Adobe offers “top up” pay for 10 weeks.

Birth mothers, dads and adoptive parents can take up to 62 weeks of parental leave. Adobe will “top up” to get you to 100% of pay for up to 16 weeks. Then, you may be eligible for EI benefits for the remainder of your parental leave.

Both new moms and new dads and adoptive parents may be eligible for additional time off and should visit the British Columbia Ministry of Labour for the most up-to-date information.

Contacts and resources

Employee Resource Center

Time off questions

Submit a request via the Support Center.