Commute allowance

Your commute allowance will be reimbursed based upon your actual commute to the office, up to ¥150,000/month.

You will submit your commute expenses through Concur on a monthly basis.

This benefit is available to all regular (full-time and part-time) employees, Adobe paid temps and Interns.

How to submit your claim

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to Concur
  2. Select cost center as #7294509 ALJP fringe benefits
  3. Select other under the business purpose and enter into the comments section commute-(month)-(year) claims (e.g., commute-February-2022) or monthly pass
  4. Select expense type: Japan Commuter Allowance
  5. If you pay for;
    1. A monthly pass, you will be required to attach the receipt in the expense report. If you purchase a multiple-month pass, you only need to submit once in the final month.
    2. Daily service, you will be required to complete the Commute Expense Report, convert it into PDF and attached it as a receipt in the expense report.
  6. Submit the claim report

Your expense report will be routed to the benefits and expense team for approval. Once it’s approved, the reimbursement will be deposited directly by the expense team to your bank account within a week. You should NOT use the company credit card for your commute expenses. Please use your personal credit card or cash.

What is the Commuter Allowance Benefit and who is eligible?

This benefit allows you to claim the actual train or bus cost to the Adobe office. This benefit is available to all regular employees, Adobe Paid Temps and interns.

When will I get paid this reimbursement?

After you submit your expense claim in Concur, this will be routed to the benefits and expense team for approval. Once it is approved, the reimbursement will be deposited directly by the expense team to your bank account within two weeks.

Can I use my Adobe credit card to buy these passes?

No, you should NOT use the company credit card for your commute expenses. Please use your personal credit card or cash.

Can I purchase and reimburse a monthly pass?

Depending on the number of days you commute into the Adobe office, a one-month, 3-months or 6-months commuter pass may be more cost-effective than daily purchases. Receipts should be attached to the Concur application for monthly pass reimbursements. If you purchase a multiple-month pass, you only need to submit once in the final month.

Can I commute by air or Shinkansen?

Unfortunately, no, Adobe generally does not allow employees to commute by air or Shinkansen. If you have a compelling reason to commute by Shinkansen , you must obtain an exceptional approval from your manager and HR. Please consult with your manager and ERC in advance.

Are Shinkansen green tickets also covered by the commuting allowance?

No, Shinkansen green tickets are not covered by the commuting allowance.

Please refer to the Commute Allowance FAQs [PDF] for more.

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