Retirement allowance plan (RAP)

The retirement allowance plan, commonly called RAP, is a retirement program Adobe provides to eligible employees.

Who is eligible and what is the enrollment process?

All regular Japan employees with more than 3 years of service are eligible to participate in Adobe’s RAP, and are automatically enrolled.

What is Adobe's monthly contribution?

Adobe does not contribute to this plan.

How much can I contribute?

The RAP plan is fully funded by Adobe. There is no employee contribution.

Under which conditions will this benefit be paid?

Payment of the RAP benefit begins when one of the following occurs:

  • You leave Adobe after at least 3 or more years of service
  • You reach the retirement age of 65
  • You resign due to a work-related injury or other reason recognized by Adobe
  • Upon your death
  • Adobe’s dismissal

Adobe reserves the right to not pay part or all of this benefit in the event an employee is dismissed from Adobe for disciplinary reasons.

What benefit can you expect?

If your departure is due to any of the reasons above, then Adobe will grant you a benefit equal to your monthly base salary upon your retirement date, multiplied by a payment ratio based on the accumulated years of service and the retirement reason.

Benefit calculation details can be found in the Retirement Allowance Plan Policy [PDF]

When will the RAP benefit be paid?

A retiring employee can expect to be paid by the end of the month following the month of his/her retirement date. For example, if you retire on June 15, you will be paid by July 31.

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