Prescription drugs

Under the Aetna plans, prescription drugs are covered according to which medical plan you enroll in.

For the HealthSave and HealthSave Basic plans, for some preventive medications [PDF], you pay only your copay or coinsurance, with no deductible. And some essential medications [PDF] are available at no cost to you. For all other drugs, you pay the full, negotiated cost, which counts toward your annual deductible and your out-of-pocket maximum.

For the HealthSave EPO plan, you must use a participating network pharmacy. You pay only your copay for drugs, with no deductible There is no coverage for drugs obtained at a nonparticipating pharmacy. 

For the cost of a specific drug, log in to the Aetna website (or SSO), or call Aetna at 800-884-9565.

Drug copays at a glance

Your cost depends on whether you’ve met your deductible (HealthSave and HealthSave Basic plans), the supply you receive, and the type of drug, as listed on the Aetna Standard Opt Out Plan with ACSF drug coverage page. Drugs are categorized as generic, preferred brand, or nonpreferred brand.

HealthSaveHealthSave Basic
30-day supply, in-network retail$15 generic
$45 preferred 
$65 nonpreferred 
(no deductible)
After deductible:
$15 generic
$45 preferred brand
$65 nonpreferred drugs
After deductible:
$15 generic
$45 preferred brand
$65 nonpreferred drugs
90-day supply, in-network retail or mail order$30 generic
$90 preferred
$130 nonpreferred 
(no deductible)
After deductible:
$30 generic
$90 preferred brand
$130 nonpreferred drugs
After deductible:
$30 generic
$90 preferred brand
$130 nonpreferred drugs

Specialty medications

For drugs designated on the drug coverage page as specialty drugs, use the CVS Specialty Pharmacy to fill your prescription. Call 800-237-2767 with any questions about your specialty medication.

Contacts and resources