Some plans issue cards and some do not. Check out the plan-by-plan details below to determine when you should expect a card. If you have questions about your insurance card or accessing care while waiting for a card, contact your insurance plan provider. See who to contact when. All of the health plans use a randomly generated number as the member ID.
If your address changes, you must update Workday as soon as possible to ensure you receive important benefits communications. See the Changing Your Home Address support article on Inside Adobe for details.
If you enroll yourself or a dependent on an Aetna medical plan for the first time, you’ll receive an ID card in your name (and your covered dependents, if any, will be listed on the card under your name). You’ll receive one card for single-level coverage and two cards for family-level coverage. If you’re already enrolled in an Aetna medical plan and change to another Aetna medical plan option, you will have an updated digital ID on the member website and app. You may request a new ID card be mailed to you if you prefer a physical card.
If you enrolled in Aetna for the first time during Open Enrollment, you’ll receive ID cards in the mail—one card for single-level coverage and two cards for family-level coverage. Expect your new physical ID card(s) and digital ID card(s) by end of December. Upon receipt, register on the member website and download the Aetna app to access and manage your benefits.
To view your digital ID card or request a physical ID card log in to the Aetna website (SSO) and select cards on the toggle down by your name. You can also access your ID card digitally at any time on your Aetna mobile app. Allow at least seven business days from the date you submit your enrollment for processing before you try to access your digital ID card if you enrolled mid-year.
You’ll receive an ID card only if you enroll yourself or a dependent for the first time. The plan issues new members an ID card in each member’s name (employee and dependents), since each member has a unique ID number. You can access your digital ID card on the Kaiser Permanente mobile App. Allow seven to ten business days from the date you submit your enrollment for processing before you try to access your digital ID card if you enrolled mid-year.
If you enrolled in Kaiser for the first time during Open Enrollment, you’ll receive ID card(s) in the mail by end of December. Upon receipt, register on the member website and download the app to access and manage your benefits.
You’ll receive an ID card only if you enroll yourself or a dependent for the first time in the HMSA medical-dental-vision bundled plan.
Delta Dental
Delta Dental
You’ll receive an ID card only if you enroll yourself for the first time. The plan issues new members two ID cards for all coverage levels. They are issued in your name only.
Printing a card
Visit the Delta Dental website. Select Online Services > Delta Dental > Enrollees. Log in and select Print ID Card. You must first register at the site to access a printable card.
VSP does not issue cards. You just provide your full name, date of birth and last four digits of your SSN so the vision provider can find your benefits coverage in the VSP system.
Open Enrollment
You’ll receive a card only if you enroll for the first time. The plan issues new members one card. You can order free dependent cards or replacement cards through the TRI-AD site. If you were enrolled in a Health Care and/or Dependent Care FSA account in the current year, you’ll continue to use the card you already have. Contact TRI-AD for more information.
New hires or employees who make coverage changes due to a qualifying life event
You’ll receive a card only if you enroll for the first time. The plan issues new members one card. You can order free dependent cards or replacement cards through the TRI-AD site. Contact TRI-AD for more information.
HealthEquity (HQY) HSA
HealthEquity (HQY) HSA
You’ll receive an ID card only if you enroll yourself or a spouse for the first time. A welcome kit containing debit card(s) will be sent to you and, if applicable, your spouse. You can request additional cards. (The first three are free. Additional cards are $5.)
Executive Health Program (EHP)
Executive Health Program (EHP)
You’ll receive one EHP ID card from Aetna when you enroll yourself in the Executive Health Program for the first time. The Aetna EHP ID card is specific to this program and the card will say “Executive Physical Only” on it. Present this card when you obtain your executive physical at one of the four approved clinics participating in the Adobe Executive Health Program. If you need to request another EHC card contact Aetna at 800-884-9565 and be sure to specify you need a card tor the Adobe executive physical program.
Contacts and resources
Kaiser Permanente
800-464-4000 (CA)
888-901-4636 (WA)
Preenrollment support: 800-324-9208
Kaiser WA: 1300 SW 27th Street, Renton, WA 98057