You may be reimbursed up to $10,000 per year for academic degrees, top credential programs, advanced specializations and technical certifications.
Who’s eligible
All regular Adobe employees who are in good performance standing are eligible for this benefit. Regular employees include part-time employees who work the minimum hours required to be eligible for benefits. Interns and Adobe-paid temporary employees are not eligible, except where legally required. You must be employed with Adobe when the course begins and ends to receive reimbursement.
What’s covered
Adobe’s Learning Fund covers up to $10,000 per year for undergraduate, graduate, PhD and MBA degree programs, as well as certain certifications, through accredited institutions.
You’ll receive reimbursement for the cost of tuition, course fees, certification fees and required books specific to your approved course work. You may request reimbursement of the learning opportunity once you have completed the course with a grade of C or better or P (if pass/fail), successful completion or the local country equivalent. You must successfully pass the certification exam to be reimbursed. Adobe will pay 100% of these costs up to the maximum benefit allowed, less appropriate taxes as applicable.
You will not receive reimbursement for university- or student-associated costs and fees. Examples include library fees, lab fees, CLEP, facility fees, technology fees, calculators, identification cards, student health fees, parking, late fees, prepayment fees, art supplies, software and preliminary/admission tests such as the GMAT or LSAT.
Adobe Certified Expert-related expenses are not eligible for reimbursement under this benefit.
Check before you register
Is the learning opportunity you’re considering eligible for Learning Fund reimbursement?
How to get started
- Confirm your course work is covered.
- For graduate and degree work, make sure the institution is an accredited institution.
- Obtain manager approval.
- Have a conversation with your manager to get approval, ensure alignment with the business and your career goals and confirm there are no schedule or time commitment issues with taking the course.
- Submit your application before you complete registration or start a course. Otherwise, you may not be reimbursed.
- Once you have verbal approval from your manager, log in to your TRI-AD account (SSO) and follow these instructions:
- Click Manage Education Applications.
- Complete the required fields.
- Submit your Tuition Reimbursement Application.
- Once you’ve submitted your application and your school has been validated, your manager will receive an email notification requesting that he/she review and approve your application. Your manager’s approval or denial will be emailed to you. Note: If you have a manager outside of the US, please contact TRI-AD directly for further instructions.
- If your application is approved, you may register and complete the course. If your application is denied, TRI-AD will reach out to you for more information, or your manager will let you know about his/her decision to deny.
- Once you have verbal approval from your manager, log in to your TRI-AD account (SSO) and follow these instructions:
How to claim your reimbursement
Once your course is successfully completed, log in to your TRI-AD account (SSO) and follow these instructions:
- Click the Manage Education Applications tile.
- Click the Add Claim (green dot) icon.
- Upload and attach scanned receipts along with a copy of your final grade or completion report.
- Click Submit.
Approved claims will be reimbursed through Payroll within two pay periods of your successful claim submission. TRI-AD will notify you if there are any issues with your claim. Any claims submitted or approved after November 30 will be reimbursed the first payroll cycle in January.
Claim deadline
Claims must be filed by the first Friday in December of the current calendar year. This deadline is earlier to accommodate the U.S. tax/payroll deadlines. If you miss the deadline, you may file for reimbursement of the paid expenses after the first Friday in December, but they will be reimbursed against the next calendar year benefit.